Ofsted Health Checks
"I would also like to express my thanks to Grahams Consultants and the Reg 44 visitor as in his short time in completing our Reg 44 the feedback from OFSTED was very complimentary regarding their clarity and information within the reports."
"I would also like to express my thanks to Grahams Consultants and the Reg 44 visitor as in his short time in completing our Reg 44 the feedback from OFSTED was very complimentary regarding their clarity and information within the reports."
OFSTED Quality Standards inspection health check
OFSTED Quality Standards inspection health check
These Health Checks will cover all the new Quality standards & the evidence that OFSTED will be looking for on the day of inspection.
These would be held over a 2 day period & we could do this from £350.00 a day dependant on location plus travelling expenses.
The health check covers each of the 9 quality standards and after each outcome is complete an action will be produced as we go through the health check , You can then use this action plan to help you get OFSTED ready. You can be sure when we have completed it that all the standards will have been checked and the requirements the inspector needs on the day of inspection have been identified for you to plan and implement to ensure you are ready.